NaslovnicaNatječajiVeterinarski fakultet u Zagrebu

Call for applications for enrollment in University Specialist Study in English for the academic year 2024/2025, with lectures commencing in the winter semester




C A L L   F O R   A P P L I C A T I O N S


for the specialisations in

  1. Agri Food Chain Microbiology, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 5; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 6,000 per semester.
  2. Forensic Veterinary Medicine, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 5; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 5,000 per semester.
  3. Health Protection in Breeding and Production of Small Ruminants, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 4; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 7,500 per semester.
  4. Honeybee Health Protection, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 4; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 5,000 per semester.
  5. Laboratory Animal Medicine, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 5; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 4,000 per semester.
  6. Pig Production and Health Management, accredited VetCEE programme, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 4; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 7,500 per semester.
  7. Reproduction in Farm Animals, Equines and Small Animals, the minimum number of students to be enrolled: 3; duration: 4 semesters; price: € 4,000 per semester.
  8. Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, the minimum number of students to be enrolled: 4; the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 6; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 6,000 per semester.
  9. Veterinary Epidemiology, the minimum number of students to be enrolled: 6, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 10; duration: 4 semesters; price: € 5,000 per semester.
  10. Veterinary Pathology, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 6; duration: 4 semesters; price: € 5,000 per semester.
  11. Veterinary Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP), the minimum number of students to be enrolled: 12; duration: 2 semesters; price: 3,800 € per semester.
  12. Wildlife Health and Management, the maximum number of students to be enrolled: 6; duration: 2 semesters; price: € 4,000 per semester.

Documentation necessary to apply:

  1. Application form
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Certified copy of the diploma of a completed university undergraduate and graduate study, i.e. of a completed university integrated undergraduate and graduate study
  4. A transcript of grades from the university undergraduate and graduate study, i.e. university integrated undergraduate and graduate study
  5. Confirmation of the organisation where the applicant works or statement of the applicant on the payment of the tuition fee after the admission of the applicant
  6. Curriculum vitae
  7. University of Zagreb’s decision on recognising foreign higher education qualifications or a Confirmation by the University of Zagreb on the submitted documentation (

All documents must be submitted as originals or officially certified copies of the respective university or a court interpreter.
Incomplete applications will not be taken into account.
All foreign students who will enroll in this study must have their residence status in the Republic of Croatia and their health insurance in the Republic of Croatia regulated.

The deadline for the submission of applications is September 6, 2024.

Applications can be submitted in three ways:

  1. By sending the documentation via postal mail service to the address of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Postgraduate Students’ Affairs Office, Ulica Vjekoslava Heinzela 55, 10000 Zagreb
  2. By submitting the documentation personally at the Registry Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb (Heinzelova 55, Zagreb, Main Building-ground floor; workdays Monday to Friday from 10:00-12:00 hours and from 13:00-14:00 hours).
  3. By sending copies of documents via e-mail to the following e-mail address:; applicants are also obliged to deliver originals or officially certified copies at enrolment or when they first come to the Faculty.

Regular enrolment in the study will be from September 30 to October 11, 2024. At enrolment, applicants are obliged to deliver the confirmation of the applicant on the payment of the tuition fee.

Information for the payments from abroad: Name of Bank: Zagrebačka banka, Address of Bank: Zagreb, Savska cesta 60, Croatia, Swift Code: ZABAHR2X, IBAN: HR1723600001101354554, reference to number: (Citizen Registration Number/PIN of the attendee), payment description: Name and surname of the applicant – enrolment fee unizgspec name of study 2024.

Any additional information on the terms and conditions for enrolment is available in the Postgraduate Students’ Affairs Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, phone number +385 1 23 90 105 or on e-mail:

Professor Marko Samardžija, PhD

Vezani sadržaji

Raspisan Javni natječaj za dodjelu poslova javnih ovlasti propisanih člankom 109. Stavkom 3. Zakona o veterinarstvu (2024.)


Natječaj za upis na sveučilišni specijalistički studij u ak. god. 2024./2025. s početkom nastave u zimskom semestru


Promocija sveučilišnih specijalista 2023.


VETERINARSKI DANI 2023. :: Uvodna riječ :: prof. dr. sc. Marko Samardžija, dekan Veterinarskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu


Natječaj za upis na doktorski studij Veterinarske znanosti u akademskoj godini 2023./2024.


Call for applications for enrollment in university specialist study in English for the academic year 2023/2024


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