K lub prijatelja i bivših studenata Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organizirao je predavanje pod naslovom ONE HEALTH: The Veterinarians Role in Rural Health (JEDNO ZDRAVLJE: Uloga veterinara u ruralnom zdravlju).
Ovo predavanje održao je Kelley J. Donham MS DVM DACVPM, Professor emeritus College of Public Health, University of Iowa, u Velikoj predavaonici Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, dana 14. travnja 2015. godine, s početkom u 11.00 sati.
Uloga veterinara u ruralnom zdravlju
Kelley J. Donham MS, DVM, DACVPM
Institut za poljoprivrednu medicinu Sveučilišta u Iowi provodi pristup ‘Jednog zdravlja’ od 1955. godine, usmjeren na radne i okolišne opasnosti za farmere, njihove obitelji i radnike. Ovaj autor je 50 godina povezan s ovim institutom.
U prezentaciji je detaljno prikazana povijest ‘Jednog zdravlja’ i primjeri uloga veterinara u ‘Jednom zdravlju’ ruralne i poljoprivredne populacije. Kasnije, sugerirani su ciljevi veterinarskoj struci da nastavi ‘Jedno zdravlje’ i raspravi prepreke koje treba prevladati da bi napredovala u re-emergentom području ‘Jednog zdravlja’.
The Veterinarians Role in Rural Health
Kelley J. Donham MS, DVM, DACVPM
Modern day environmental and public health problems are complex and difficult to solve. Such problems are best solved by a combining knowledge, skills, and cultures from different professional backgrounds. In the late 1960’s Calvin Schwabe, Professor of Veterinary Preventive Medicine at the University of California proposed the concept of “One Medicine”. His concept proposed that there is only one science of medicine (veterinary/human) and by working together our societies can more readily solve health problems of the world. In the past decade, this concept has been renewed as “One Health”, incorporating non-medical sciences such as environmental, social, and engineering sciences. This movement has now found an international audience.
The Institute of Agricultural Medicine at the University of Iowa has practiced the One Health Approach since 1955, focused on the occupational and environmental hazards of farmers, their families and workers. This author has been associated with this Institute for 5 decades.
This presentation will detail the history of One Health, and provide examples of veterinarians’ roles in one health for rural and agricultural populations. Further, I will suggest goals for our profession to pursue one health and discuss barriers to overcome for the veterinary profession to advance in the re-emerging field of one health.