Aleksandra Vergles Rataj
Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aleksandra Vergles Rataj (Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Echinococcus multilocularis je trakavica koja je manja od trakavice E. granulosus i njezina dužina iznosi 1,2 do 3,7 mm. U odraslom strobilarnom obliku, parazitira u tankom crijevu lisice (Vulpes vulpes), kao glavnom nositelju.
Nalazi se i u pasa pa čak i mačaka, što predstavlja neugodnu činjenicu, jer se lisice sve više približavaju čovjekovom naselju, kućnim ljubimcima, a time i čovjeku, koji također može biti nositelj larvalnog oblika trakavice, alveolarnog ehinokoka. U našem znanstvenom radu godine 2008. promatrali smo endoparazitsku faunu lisica u Sloveniji. Pregledali smo 428 crijeva lisica ispiranjem sadržaja kroz različita sita i našli smo široku paletu parazita: trematoda, nematoda, cestoda, čak protozoa, jednog acanthocephala i nešto ektoparazita više vezanih na mikromamalia. Ukupno 11 lisica (2,57%) bilo je pozitivno na Echinococcus multilocularis. Ovo je bilo prvi put da smo utvrdili odrasle male trakavice u Sloveniji. Razvojni oblik je bio već prije utvrđen kod šumskog glodavca Apodemus flavicollis (Brglez, Kryštufek, 1984).
Parasitic zoonosis in fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Slovenia
Aleksandra Vergles Rataj
Echinococcus multilocularis is the tapeworm even smaller than E. granulosus with length 1.2 to 3.7 mm. Adult strobilus form parasites in the small intestine of fox (Vulpes vulpes) as the main host, but can be found in dogs and even cats.
That is unpleasant fact as foxes do get increasingly closer to humans, their pets and hence to humans as well, who can be hosts of the larval alveolar form echinococcus. In our scientific research in 2008 we studied the endoparasite fauna of foxes in Slovenia. We studied intestines of 428 foxes by washing the content through a series of sieves and found a broad spectrum of parasites: trematodes, nematodes, cestodes, even protozoa, one acanthocephala and a few ectoparasites related to preyed micromammalia. In total 11 foxes (2.57%) were positive to Echinococcus multilocularis. This was the first time that adult tapeworms of this species were found in Slovenia. Larval stages were found previously in the forest rodents Apodemus flavicollis(Brglez, Kryštufek, 1984).