Position for veterinarian / Veterinary Intership
Veterinary clinic of Château-du-Loir (Center West of France, between Tours and Le Mans) is a mixed animal practice mainly dedicated to pets and managed by 3 veterinarians. The clinic includes small animal exam rooms, a surgical suite, an in-house laboratory, a digital x-ray and an ultrasound scanner. For large animal, there is an other ultrasound scanner.
We welcome applications from EU veterinarians with an interest in pets. While some experience for large animal is ideal, we accept beginners.
This full-time, salaried position is available immediately and is to be transformed in association rapidly.
We offer a studio apartment on the spot.
Château-du-Loir is a small pleasant town with sport clubs, movies, medical facilities, all scholar facilities, with a railway station and a highway. Beautiful landscapes including forests.Contact : cabveto.cdl@orange.fr – tel : 33 (0)2 43 44 09 94 (8h-12h / 14h-19h)