Tomislav Kiš
Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Uprava za veterinarstvo i sigurnost hrane, Planinska 2a, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ključne izmjene u pristupu jesu prepoznavanje preventivnog cijepljenja kao najboljeg načina za suzbijanje širenja bolesti te redefiniranje opasnosti od mogućeg širenja BKK prometom cijepljenih živih goveda, odnosno prometom svježeg mesa i mlijeka cijepljenih životinja. Hrvatska je, kao zemlja visokog rizika u odnosu na pojavu BKK, tijekom ljeta 2016. godine u dogovoru s EK pravovremeno započela s preventivnim cijepljenjem populacije goveda u rizičnim županijama, a uspostavom zakonskog okvira za mogućnost slobodnog prometa proizvoda cijepljenih životinja mjera je proširena na cijelu zemlju te će cijepljenje čitave populacije goveda biti dovršeno tijekom studenoga. Na taj su način moguće posljedice za mljekarski sektor svedene na minimum. U provedbi cijepljenja trenutno se koristi živo cjepivo, koje sadrži oslabljenog uzročnika. Kod cijepljenih životinja potvrđene su nuspojave (prijavljene reakcije u 0.068 % cijepljenih goveda), pa i uginuća (prijavljeno u 0.019 % cijepljenih goveda). Reakcije u krava u laktaciji češće su u odnosu na reakcije u tovnih goveda i teladi. Novo cijepljenje bit će provedeno početkom 2017. godine, prije početka sezone vektora – prijenosnika bolesti, s ciljem nadocjepljivanja populacije i zaštite podmlatka.
Iako je za tekuću godinu rizik od novih slučajeva BKK u regiji sve manji, bolest je sezonskog karaktera i nužno ju je promatrati kao dugoročni problem, kroz koordinirani zajednički pristup i suradnju s ostalim zemljama u regiji.
Ključne riječi: bolest kvrgave kože, mljekarski sektor, preventivno cijepljenje
Measures for the prevention of the outbreak of lumpy skin disease in Croatia
Tomislav Kiš, Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, Planinska 2a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
L umpy skin disease (LSD) in the EU has been confirmed for the first time in summer 2015 in Greece. In period April – August 2016 LSD has been confirmed in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, it reached the borders of Romania and Bosnia and Hercegovina and has been recognised as the serious risk for cattle farming in Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia. Legislative frame for control and eradication of this disease in EU legislation is very strict, as all the possibilities and ways of spreading the agent are still not fully investigated, and potential economic losses in the case of spreading LSD very high. On the basis of scientific data and opinions of relevant institutions (EFSA) during 2016 were initiated changes to EU legislation and setting the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in relation to LSD. Key changes in approach are identifying preventive vaccination as the best way of combating the spread of disease and redefining risk of possible spread of LSD by trading of vaccinated live cattle or trade of fresh meat and milk of vaccinated animals.
Croatia, recognised as a country with high risk in relation to the occurrence of LSD, during the summer of 2016, in consultation with the European Commission in due time began with the preventive vaccination of the cattle population in high-risk counties.
After changes in a legal framework (possibility of free trade of fresh meat and milk from vaccinated animals) measure was extended to the whole country and vaccination of the entire cattle population will be completed during November. In this way, the possible consequences of the dairy sector is kept to a minimum. In carrying out the vaccination, live atenuated vaccine is currently used. These vaccines can show side effects in vaccinated animals (side effects in 0.068 % vaccinated cattle), even accidental deaths (registered in 0.019 % vaccinated cattle). Reactions in lactating cows are more often, compared to reactions in beef cattle and calves. New vaccination campaigne will be carried out in early 2017, before the start of the vector season, with the aim of revaccination of entire population and protection of offspring. Although the risk of new confirmation of LSD till the end of current year is lower, the disease is seasonal and it should be considered as a long-term problem, through a coordinated joint approach and cooperation with other countries in the region.
Keywords: lumpy skin disease, dairy sector, preventive vaccination