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Protutijela za virus Zapadnog Nila u ptica u Sloveniji

Joško Račnik, Tomi Trilar, Mateja Jelovšek, Marko Zadravec, Brigita Slavec, Olga Zorman Rojs, Tatjana Avšič Županc


Joško Račnik (Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Ptice vrapčarke mogu se zaraziti različitim patogenim mikrobima, primjerice virusom ptičje gripe, virusom Zapadnog Nila i dr. One su rezervoar prijetećih uzročnika zaraza. Mnogi od njih prenose se na čovjeka te druge domaće i životinje koje slobodne žive u prirodi. Domaća perad, goveda i druge domaće životinje držane ekstenzivno mogu na svoj teritorij privući vrapčarke pri čemu se mogu prenositi uzročnici zaraznih bolesti (1,2,3). Virus Zapadnog Nila prenose komarci dok su ptice pjevice njegov prirodni domaćin (3). U našem radu istraživana je prisutnost i epidemiologija virusa Zapadnog Nila u vrapčarki i to od 2003. do 2009. godine. Ptice su bile hvatane s posebnim mrežama. Uhvaćene ptice bile su klinički pretražene, prstenovane, bila im je određena vrsta, spol i dob te izmjerena tjelesna težina i dužina krila. Kod onih u fazi mitarenja, opisan je i način mitarenja. Krv im je bila uzeta iz jugularne vene. Svaki uzorak krvi bio je centrifugiran, a serum odvojen i pohranjen pri -20 °C do pretraživanja (2,4,5,6). Za dokazivanje specifičnih protutijela rabljena je neizravna imunofluorescencija. Kao antigen rabljen je virus Zapadnog Nila (E101)01.71. Rabljena su komercijalna protutijela obilježena fluorescein izotiocijanatom (FITC) (Benthyl Laboratories, Inc., Montgomery) (2,5,6,7). Zbog male količine (<0,03 ml), uzeti se uzorci nisu mogli dodatno pretražiti drugim serološkim metodama. Od 2004. do 2006., zatim od 2008. do 2009. pretražili smo ukupno 976 uzoraka seruma podrijetlom od 34 vrste različitih ptica pjevica. Specifična protutijela bila su dokazana u njih 46 (4,7%). Pozitivne su bile sljedeće vrste: crnokapa grmuša, vrabac, češljugar, grmuša pjenica, grmuša čevrljinka, siva grmuša, trstenjak cvrkutić, crvendać, trstenjak rogožar, žuti voljić, kos i siva grmuša (2,5,6). Pozitivne su bile jednako pjevice uhvaćene za vrijeme proljetne kao i one za vrijeme jesenske selidbe. Za vrijeme jesenske selidbe većinom su bile pozitivne mlade ptice izležene negdje u Europi. Dokaz protutijela u mladih ptica upućuje na zaključak o cirkulaciji virusa Zapadnog Nila na području Europe. Pozitivne ptice na virus Zapadnog Nila dokazane su i među pjevicama koje su se izlegle u Sloveniji te onima (vrabac) koje trajno žive u Sloveniji. To upućuje na lokalno kruženje virusa Zapadnog Nila u Sloveniji (2). U svjetlu predstavljenih rezultata i izvješća o pojačanoj aktivnosti virusa u susjednim zemljama, potrebno je poduzeti daljnja istraživanja epidemiologije virusa Zapadnog Nila u Sloveniji.

← Epidemiološke i kliničke osobitosti infekcije virusom Zapadnog Nila u Hrvatskoj i susjednim zemljama

West Nile virus antibodies in passerine birds in Slovenia

Joško Račnik (1), Tomi Trilar (2), Mateja Jelovšek (3), Marko Zadravec (1), Brigita Slavec (1), Olga Zorman Rojs (1) and Tatjana Avšič Županc (3)

(1) Institute for Poultry Health, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana,
(2) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
(3) Institue of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical Faculty University of Ljubljana

Wild living passerine birds can be infected by a number of pathogenic microorganisms (avian influenza virus – AIV, West Nile virus – WNV …). They carry emerging pathogens as a reservoir hosts. Many of them are transmissible to humans and to other domestic or free living animals. Backyard poultry flocks, cattle or other domestic animals reared outside can attract migrating wild passerine birds to stop on their territory were transmission of infectious agent could happen (1, 2, 3). The West Nile virus transmission is related to the mosquito carrier, songbirds, however, are an important natural host for WNV (3). In our research the presence and epidemiology of WNV from 2003 until 2009 among wild passerine birds was investigated. Passerine birds were captured into mist nets. The captured birds were clinically examined; the ornithologist fixed the ring, determined the species, sex and age, and measured the body weight and the length of the wings. In molting birds the way of molting was described. Songbirds’ blood was taken with a puncture of the jugular vein. The blood sample was centrifuged; the serum was poured off and stored at – 20°C until serologic testing (2, 4, 5, 6). For the detection of the West Nile virus the indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) was used. As an antigen the West Nile virus (WN (E101)01.71) was used. The commercial anti-wild bird fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated antibodies were used in the test (Benthyl Laboratories, Inc., Montgomery) (2, 5, 6, 7). Because of small sample volume (< 0,03 ml of sera) no additional testing with other serological methods was performed. During our research in the years 2004, 2005 and 2006, 2008 and 2009 altogether 976 sera of songbirds from 34 different species, with the IIF were tested. Specific antibodies against WNV were found in the serum of 46 songbirds (4,7 %). Positive species were blackcap, house sparrow, goldfinch, common whitethroat, lesser whitethroat, greater whitethroat, reed warbler, robin, sedge warbler, icterine warbler, blackbird and garden warbler (2, 5, 6). The songbirds that were captured during spring migration as well as the ones during autumn migration were positive. Most of the positive birds on autumn migration were young, first year birds that were hatched some were in Europe. The proof of antibodies in young birds could indicate the circulation of WNV in some areas of Europe. WNV positive birds were detected also among songbirds that were hatched in Slovenia and song birds (house sparrow) that constantly live here. This could indicate a local circulation of WNV in our country (2). In the light of presented data and reports from neighboring countries of increased WNV activity, further research is needed to investigate the epidemiology of WNV in Slovenia.

Literature: (1) Reed KD, Meerce J, Henkel JS, Shukla SK. Birds, migration and emerging zoonoses: West Nile virus, Lyme disease, Influenza A and enteropathogenes. Clin Med Res 2003; 1: 5-12; (2) Račnik J. Epidemiological study of avian influenza and West Nile virus in birds in Slovenia, (PhD thesis). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana; 2008; (3) Hubalek Z. An annotated checklist of pathogenic microorganisms associated with migratory birds. J Wildl Dis 2004; 40: 639-59; (4) Račnik J, Slavec B, Trilar T, Zadravec M, Dovč A, Krapež U, Barlič Magajna D, Zorman – Rojs O. Evidence of avian influenza virus and paramyxovirus subtype 2 in wild living paserine birds in Slovenia. Eur J Wildl Res. 2008; 54: 529-532; (5) Račnik J, Trilar T, Slavec B, Marhold C, Jelovšek A, Vergles Rataj A, Avšič Županc T, Zorman Rojs O. Study of some pathogens in livig wild passerine birds captured during autumn migration in Slovenia. Slov Vet Res 2011; 48; Suppl 13: 146 -9; (6) Račnik J, Zorman Rojs O, Trilar T, Jelovšek M, Duh D, Dovč A, Avšič Županc T. Demonstration of West Nile virus antibodies in wild birds in Slovenia. In: Proceedings of 8th symposium Poultry days 2009 with international participation, Poreč, Croatia; 69 – 71; (7) Ebel GD, Dupuis AP, Nicholas D, Young D, Maffei J, Kramer LD. Detection by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay of West Nile virus in birds. Emerg Infect Dis 2002; 8: 979-82.

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